Australian Top 20 Equity Yield Maximiser Fund (managed fund)


Generate enhanced income from Australian blue chip companies

Invest with us


Fund objective

YMAX aims to generate attractive quarterly income and reduce the volatility of portfolio returns by implementing an equity income investment strategy over a portfolio of the 20 largest blue-chip shares listed on the ASX. YMAX does not aim to track an index.

Benefits of YMAX

  • Attractive quarterly income

    Earn quarterly income (including franking credits) expected to significantly exceed the dividend yield of the underlying share portfolio over the medium term. YMAX seeks to enhance dividend income through what is known as a ‘covered call’ strategy.

  • Portfolio diversification

    In one ASX trade, gain exposure to a portfolio of the largest 20 Australian companies.

  • Potential downside risk management

    The additional income generated by YMAX’s strategy may partly offset potential losses in falling markets.

There are risks associated with an investment in YMAX, including market risk and use of options risk. Investment value can go up and down. An investment in the Fund should only be considered as a part of a broader portfolio, taking into account your particular circumstances, including your tolerance for risk. For more information on risks and other features of the Fund, please see the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination, both available on this website.


How to invest

  • You can buy or sell units just like you’d buy or sell any share on the ASX.
  • Fund requires no minimum investment.

Key facts

Pricing information

Current price
Last trade*
% Change (prev day)
Bid (delayed)
Offer (delayed)
iNAV (live)**

* Data is delayed by at least 20 minutes.

** As at 20 April 2022 04:29:59 PM

NAV/Unit* $8.03

* As at 17 September 2024


Net assets* ($A) $522,295,590
Units outstanding* (#) 65,013,680
Management fee and cost** (p.a.) 0.76%
Distribution frequency Quarterly
Distribution reinvestment plan (DRP) Full participation available
Issuer Betashares Capital Ltd
Registry Link Market Services

* As at 17 September 2024

**Certain additional costs apply. Please refer to PDS.

Trading information

Bloomberg code YMAX AU
Market makers BNP Paribas Financial Markets SNC

Index information

Index N/A
Index provider N/A
Index ticker N/A
Bloomberg index ticker N/A

Holdings & allocation

Sector allocation

Health Care
Consumer Discretionary
Consumer Staples
Real Estate
Communication Services

* As of 30 August 2024


Fund returns after fees (%)

1 month -0.05% -
3 months 5.05% -
6 months 5.91% -
1 year 14.76% -
3 year p.a. 7.90% -
5 year p.a. 7.29% -
10 year p.a. 5.18% -
Since inception (p.a.) 6.71% -
Inception date 22-Nov-12 -

* As at 30 August 2024.
Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Returns are calculated in Australian dollars using net asset value per unit at the start and end of the specified period and do not reflect brokerage or the bid ask spread that investors incur when buying and selling units on the ASX. Returns are after fund management costs, assume reinvestment of any distributions and do not take into account tax paid as an investor in the Fund. Returns for periods longer than one year are annualised. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown.


Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please refer to "Fund returns after fees" for additional information regarding performance/return information.


Yield information

Distribution frequency Quarterly
12 mth distribution yield* 7.6%
12 mth gross distribution yield* 9.3%
Franking level 51.3%

*As at 30 August 2024. Yield is calculated by summing the prior 12-month per unit distributions divided by the closing NAV per unit at the end of the relevant period. Yield will vary and may be lower at time of investment. Franking level is total franking level over the last 12 months. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

You can elect DRP by logging into Link’s Investor Centre. Once you are logged in, please proceed to the 'Payments and Tax' tab and select ‘Reinvestment Plans'.

Recent distributions

Ex Date Record Date Payment Date Distribution Unit ($) Annual Distribution Return (%) (1)
01-Jul-24 02-Jul-24 16-Jul-24 $0.124832 8.61%
02-Apr-24 03-Apr-24 17-Apr-24 $0.138907 8.78%
02-Jan-24 03-Jan-24 17-Jan-24 $0.137572 9.12%
02-Oct-23 03-Oct-23 17-Oct-23 $0.206126 9.26%
03-Jul-23 04-Jul-23 18-Jul-23 $0.127891 9.97%
03-Apr-23 04-Apr-23 20-Apr-23 $0.145967 9.02%
03-Jan-23 04-Jan-23 18-Jan-23 $0.144799 9.13%
03-Oct-22 04-Oct-22 18-Oct-22 $0.239588 8.70%
01-Jul-22 04-Jul-22 18-Jul-22 $0.131773 8.12%
01-Apr-22 04-Apr-22 20-Apr-22 $0.180577 9.21%
04-Jan-22 05-Jan-22 19-Jan-22 $0.138841 9.36%
01-Oct-21 04-Oct-21 18-Oct-21 $0.241955 9.24%
01-Jul-21 02-Jul-21 16-Jul-21 $0.123542 9.18%
01-Apr-21 06-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 $0.171561 9.71%
04-Jan-21 05-Jan-21 19-Jan-21 $0.145595 8.34%
01-Oct-20 02-Oct-20 16-Oct-20 $0.150039 7.28%
01-Jul-20 02-Jul-20 16-Jul-20 $0.1516 7.60%
01-Apr-20 02-Apr-20 20-Apr-20 $0.152766 7.20%
02-Jan-20 03-Jan-20 17-Jan-20 $0.163123 9.61%
01-Oct-19 02-Oct-19 16-Oct-19 $0.219217 9.36%
01-Jul-19 02-Jul-19 16-Jul-19 $0.165224 11.86%
01-Apr-19 02-Apr-19 16-Apr-19 $0.196024 11.07%
02-Jan-19 03-Jan-19 17-Jan-19 $0.181913 10.01%
01-Oct-18 02-Oct-18 16-Oct-18 $0.285114 12.18%
02-Jul-18 03-Jul-18 17-Jul-18 $0.128652 9.01%
03-Apr-18 04-Apr-18 18-Apr-18 $0.163408 8.39%
02-Jan-18 03-Jan-18 17-Jan-18 $0.183796 8.67%
02-Oct-17 03-Oct-17 17-Oct-17 $0.291836 8.92%
03-Jul-17 04-Jul-17 18-Jul-17 $0.148673 8.99%
03-Apr-17 04-Apr-17 20-Apr-17 $0.150144 10.18%
03-Jan-17 04-Jan-17 18-Jan-17 $0.201071 10.01%
04-Oct-16 05-Oct-16 19-Oct-16 $0.278569 10.31%
01-Jul-16 04-Jul-16 18-Jul-16 $0.184093 9.23%
01-Apr-16 04-Apr-16 15-Apr-16 $0.211089 7.98%
04-Jan-16 06-Jan-16 19-Jan-16 $0.263909 8.40%
01-Oct-15 06-Oct-15 19-Oct-15 $0.294007 8.38%
01-Jul-15 03-Jul-15 20-Jul-15 $0.160811 8.35%
01-Apr-15 03-Apr-15 20-Apr-15 $0.200421 8.69%
02-Jan-15 06-Jan-15 19-Jan-15 $0.310685 8.41%
01-Oct-14 03-Oct-14 17-Oct-14 $0.270447 8.78%
01-Jul-14 03-Jul-14 16-Jul-14 $0.159775 10.51%
01-Apr-14 03-Apr-14 16-Apr-14 $0.201866 10.07%
02-Jan-14 06-Jan-14 17-Jan-14 $0.35889 9.37%
01-Oct-13 03-Oct-13 17-Oct-13 $0.369081 -
01-Jul-13 03-Jul-13 16-Jul-13 $0.14007 -
02-Apr-13 04-Apr-13 17-Apr-13 $0.087518 -

1 This is the annual distribution return to the end of the relevant distribution date. The distribution return reflects the contribution to total investment return made by the Fund's distributions. Distribution return is calculated as the total return less the growth return. Total return is calculated as the percentage change in a continuing investor's interest in the Fund assuming reinvestment of all distributions back into the Fund (and no other application or withdrawal), net of ongoing fees. Growth return is the Fund's return excluding distributions, net of ongoing fees. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.


ASX announcements: YMAX

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