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Fund factsheets and disclosure
Product Disclosure Statement | ASX: GBND | Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF – Currency Hedged
Product Disclosure Statement | ASX: HCRD | Interest Rate Hedged Australian Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF
Target Market Determination | ASX: G200 | Wealth Builder Australia 200 Geared (30-40% LVR) Complex ETF
Target Market Determination | ASX: GBND | Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF – Currency Hedged
Target Market Determination | ASX: GGAB | Betashares Geared Long Australian Government Bond Fund (hedge fund)
Target Market Determination | ASX: GGFD | Betashares Geared Long U.S. Treasury Bond Fund – Currency Hedged (hedge fund)
Target Market Determination | ASX: GHHF | Wealth Builder Diversified All Growth Geared (30-40% LVR) Complex ETF
Target Market Determination | ASX: HCRD | Interest Rate Hedged Australian Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF
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