Fund and company details

The Bendigo Superannuation Plan ABN 57 526 653 420


Including the following product offers:


Bendigo SmartStart Super®
Bendigo SmartStart Pension®


Bendigo Superannuation Pty Ltd (Bendigo Super) is the trustee and issuer of the Bendigo Superannuation Plan.

Material service providers

Administration service provider
IOOF Service Co. Pty Limited
ABN 99 074 572 919


Internal audit services
ABN 52 780 433 757


MySuper Product

This information is designed to help you better understand the investment return, risks and fees for the Bendigo MySuper option. Use the dashboard to compare this option with other MySuper products.

The Bendigo MySuper investment option is comprised of three age-based life stages; please click the link below to see the product dashboard for the relevant life stage investment:

Retirement Income Strategy

The Retirement Income Covenant came into effect on 1 July 2022, and requires all superannuation trustees to develop a retirement income strategy for their members approaching retirement.

The Bendigo Super Retirement Income Strategy Summary aims to support and empower members to make informed decisions when planning their retirement.



Member outcomes assessment

Bendigo Super carries out an annual assessment of the outcomes its super products provide to members. The assessment reviews how Bendigo Super is delivering against its objectives across areas that will impact members’ retirement savings. This includes investment performance, fees and costs, insurance, the overall size and scale of the fund and benefits provided to members.

A summary of each assessment completed for Bendigo SmartStart products can be viewed below:




Unit prices

Access the current and historical unit prices by clicking below and then selecting the relevant investment option from the drop-down list.