Stay in touch with your investments

Stay in touch with

your investments

Register with MUFG Corporate Markets and update your communication preferences.


Link Market Services is now MUFG Corporate Markets. You can continue managing your investments through the investor centre as usual.

How to register

After you’ve made an investment with Betashares, you’ll need to register with MUFG Corporate Markets and set your communication preferences to receive email notifications when information about your investment is issued.


There are no costs involved to register with MUFG Corporate Markets, and it’s fast and easy to do.


Set-up instructions can be found in:

  • The welcome letter sent to you from MUFG Corporate Markets
  • The set up guide, or by downloading the guide by clicking on the link below.
Set up guide:


  1. Visit the MUFG Corporate Markets homepage
  2. Under “Single Holding Login”, enter details in the following sections:
    • Issuer name
    • HIN
    • Postcode
  3. Click log in.

After you’ve logged in, set your communication preferences to electronic to receive ongoing information about your investments via email.


Expand the sections below for further information on where to find the issuer name, your HIN and postcode.

For all Betashares funds (excluding Betashares/Franklin Templeton funds):
BETA – Betashares Exchange Traded Funds

For all Betashares/Franklin Templeton:
FRNK – Franklin Templeton Australian Limited

A HIN is a unique number that is issued to you by ASX when you become a client of a broker. You can find your HIN on a CHESS statement, welcome letter, trade note confirmation, or by logging into your online brokerage account.

A HIN starts with the letter X and followed by a series of numbers, e.g. X0001234567. If you’re looking for your HIN via your brokerage account or trade note, it may be displayed without the X. e.g. 1234567

The postcode of your address used with your online broker or issuer sponsored account.

Updating Communication preferences to email

Ensure you stay up-to-date with your investments by receiving notifications via email.

  1. Log into your MUFG account
  2. Click the ‘Communications’ tab
  3. Click ‘Preferences’
  4. Check ‘All communications electronically’
  5. Select or enter the relevant email address
  6. Click ‘Next’

Note: Relevant communications are sent to your MUFG account by default. Paper-based correspondence is not issued. We encourage investors to be mindful of the environmental impact of paper-based communications, however you can request to receive paper-based correspondence if desired by making this election on the ‘Communication Preferences’ tab.

Alternatively, Betashares is happy to assist investors who wish to elect to receive electronic communications.

Information you will receive from MUFG Corporate Markets about your investment

For as long as you are invested in a Betashares fund, you will receive:

  • Distribution statements – if the fund has paid a distribution
  • Annual statements – detailing the investment balance, transactions, and management costs paid during that period
  • Tax statements – if your investment has paid a distribution during the financial year

If you sell your entire investment, you will receive an exit statement.



You will receive a welcome letter detailing how to set up your account with MUFG Corporate Markets, via their Investor Centre. Click here for further information on setting this up. You’ll also receive a CHESS statement.

All investment related correspondence is sent electronically to your Link account by default. You may elect to receive paper based correspondence via the “Preferences” tab in your Link account. We encourage investors to be mindful of the environmental impact of paper-based communications.

Stay on top of your investments by receiving correspondence via email. Set this up via the “Preferences” section under the “Communication” tab after you log in to your MUFG account.

For as long as your investment, you will receive:

  • Statements for any further transactions you make
  • Distribution statements – if the fund has paid a distribution
  • Annual statements – detailing the investment balance, transactions, and management costs paid during that period.
  • Tax statements – if your investment has paid a distribution during the financial year.

If you sell out of a fund entirely, you will receive an exit statement.

Understanding Distribution Reinvestment Plans (DRP)

Instead of receiving distributions as cash, an investor can choose to use distributions to buy more units in the fund.

A DRP can be an excellent way to compound the value of your investment over time, which may appeal to those with longer investment timeframes, or those seeking growth over income from that particular investment.

You can elect to participate in a DRP for some or all of the distribution amount.

Read the fund’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for more information.

Investors can opt in to the DRP for a Betashares fund through the MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre. Simply log in to your Link account and update your DRP preference (partial or full) next to each fund for which you’re wishing to participate in the DRP.