Betashares Capital Market Services

The Betashares Capital Markets Team works alongside various market participants, including market makers, authorised participants, as well as the ASX, to ensure effective and efficient trading in our funds.

Our Liquidity and Execution Services can assist institutional clients, advisers and other investors with the ETF trading process, with a focus on helping clients enter and exit positions as efficiently as possible.

ESG and stewardship

Betashares recognises the important role that investment managers can play in promoting responsible investment practices. We accept that we have a responsibility beyond managing the financial value of an investment, and an obligation to try to influence the way business is conducted for the greater good.

Betashares manages a range of ethical and responsible ETFs which employ some of the most stringent screening criteria in the market. Our ethical and responsible ETFs invest in companies (or exclude companies) in accordance with clear ethically-focused rules and guidelines. We also make an impact by participating in proxy voting and engagement activities with companies.

Contact us

Contact us to discuss our range of capabilities, or to learn how Betashares can help you to implement efficient and cost-effective investment strategies across your portfolio.