Betashares launches new investing platform: Betashares Direct

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Betashares Direct is the new investing platform designed to help you build wealth, your way.
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For over a decade, Betashares has been helping Australians to financially progress.

As the next step in our journey, we’re launching Betashares Direct, a new investing platform designed to help retail investors build long-term wealth.

Betashares Direct opens for early access today and will initially allow self-directed retail investors to invest in ETFs traded on the ASX – whether from Betashares or other ETF managers – with zero brokerage and no account fees.

We are also actively exploring the development of financial adviser specific features to the platform, including a referral program to link investors with more complex needs to financial advisers.

With Betashares Direct, investors will also be able to automate their investing with “AutoPilot” by setting up recurring investments, investing in professionally constructed diversified portfolios, or building bespoke custom ETF portfolios, with low portfolio fees.

The Betashares Direct experience has been developed with a significant focus on making investing effortless – for example by offering streamlined, personalised performance and tax reporting to make investments simple to administer and manage.

The platform also provides access to Betashares’ expert-led investing insights and a deep library of educational materials to assist investors in making informed wealth creation decisions.

We also expect Betashares Direct to add value to Australian financial advisers, who continue to be a core focus of our business.

If you would like to provide input into what features may be useful to you and your practice as part of this offering, please click the link below to join our adviser feedback sessions and focus groups.

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Refer to the FAQs for information on interest retained by Betashares on cash balances.